There were two people walking down the street. One was a musician. The other didn't have any money either.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Today Grayson turned 2 and what a handsome boy he is. Grandma and Grandpa love you Grayson.


Destiny said...

Happy Birthday Grayson! Wow, you're already 2 years old.... amazing! The last time I saw ya you were just a little tod. I hope you had a great day! Remember, we all love you! You sure a getting to be one cute little guy!


Vickie said...

Hope your Birthday was a lot of fun Grayson. I hear that your Aunt gave you and Jackson a party today and bet you had lots of fun. Happy Birthday and we love you....

Ginger said...

Grayson you look so happy and cute. Wish we could have been there for that special birthday of yours. Can't wait to see all the pictures your Grandpa Bob took. Love you and see you soon. Aunt Ginger

The Goldman Family said...

Happy Belated birthday Grayson!! From the Whole Goldman Family!! Sorry we are late....our internet has been down. Boohoo
Anyway, we love you up here in Oregon Grayson....come visit again soon!
Love you too Uncle Bob and Aunt Lindsay

Ginger said...

Saw your post on Chicky's blog...we sure did have a fun girl's night out and we did miss Lindsay! Dottie and I have antiqued every day I have been here "Grin" and more money!!! Bummer!!! Well...there is always the next time...LOL...I'll be home soon Lindsay so tell Bob to get his checkbook out "Grinning all the way home". See you soon!